I am glad to have this opportunity to express my sincerest thank-you to each of you; it’s evident how much hard work and expertise has gone into the design of my website, shariberryphotography.com. I have received lots of valued compliments regarding the layout and how easy it is to navigate. So, I would like to acknowledge Think Profits for creating a great product, and providing excellent service, which come with my highest recommendations.
You have produced an effective marketing tool to promote my photography business on Vancouver Island; within weeks of being launched I have secured two wedding photo contracts. thinkprofits.com has mastered the ability to make that instant connection, necessary to be competitive in the big world out there; invaluable really!
Special thanks to Lynda and Nathan for demonstrating patience with my limited computer skills and being so accommodating of my “island pace attempt” to meet our scheduled timeline. I really value the knowledge and experience that Shawn has demonstrated in helping people “show their true colours” and put their mark on the page. Thank you!!