Email Marketing is a Powerful Tool When Used Properly

Planning and a keen knowledge of your target market are the key to a great email marketing campaign.
If you are able to master the do’s and don’ts of email marketing, it can help your business immensely. Here are some basic tips to get you started.
Before creating your email marketing campaign, you need to have a clear vision of why you are writing it and what you want out of it.
Answer these 4 questions first:
- Why are you sending out this email?
- What is the main message you want to convey to readers?
- Is there a call to action? If so, what is it? (hint: you should always have a call to action)
- What do you want out of this email? Make sure your goal is clear!
Once you have answered the 4 questions, you need to specify who your target audience is. Research the best time and day to send out your campaign based on your chosen audience.
How to Maximize Your Email Marketing Success
- Make sure the subject line is eye catching. A good way you can decide if it is or not is to ask yourself “would I open this if I received it? Making the subject line enticing is crucial. The email subject line is a make it or break it for your reader to look at your email.
- Make your email short, to the point, and informative. Too much information can be overwhelming and cause the reader to not look at it at all. Nowadays, people are busy and don’t always have time to read through a full email, so they tend to scan. In this case, you want to make the headers as informative as you can so they stand out and make your message clear.
- You need to have a call-to-action making the reader go further than just reading the email.
- Give away something for free, whether it’s a download, service, or item
- Hold a contest
- Give a discount on an item or service
An example call-to-action for a hotel is “Book now for the month of December and receive 25% off your stay.” This urges the user to move forward with booking or maybe even book if they weren’t planning to.
- Add images to make your email have some personality and uniqueness. But, remember that images are usually turned off by default on many email platforms. Make sure that all of your key messages are included in text format.
Important Tips to Remember
- Proofread! Proofread your email yourself but also get a couple more people who did not write it to read it over if possible.
- Right before you send it to everyone, always send a test email to yourself.
It is important to use your existing email base to start off, targeting existing customers. Your list will hopefully remain the same or grow depending on the content of your emails. When you see that people are unsubscribing, it is a sign that you need to re-evaluate your emails.
If you want more information on email marketing or need any help managing your own email marketing we are here for you. Think Profits is an email marketing expert and can help you get the best ROI from your email marketing campaigns. Call us today!